Tracsis Completes Installation of Heater Control System at SEPTA

16 January 15

Tracsis has completed the installation of an advanced remote switch and 3rd rail heater control system for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.

These switch and third rail heaters are being controlled via Tracsis DOC® System, with communications being handled with a combination of RADiANT® serial radios, cellular modems, and a fiber network along SEPTA lines. Through the DOC’s graphical user interface (GUI), authorized users are able to control the operation of all remotely equipped switch and third rail heaters, as well as monitor the operation of the element. When heating elements present a failed condition, the system alarms the dispatcher so action can be taken before it affects train movement.

Remotely controlled heating elements allow SEPTA to only run their heaters when absolutely necessary. This cuts down on energy cost and helps reduce the time railroad employees must spend along the track.