Marvel: Improving Performance by Ensuring Diagram Resilience

23 April 20

The May issue of Modern Railways magazine has landed! Have you seen the introduction to our new Marvel software tool?

Marvel is an aptly named, revolutionary system that provides both validation and analysis of resource diagrams and the timetable.

This state of the art system was built by our talented rail industry specialist software development team, in conjunction with train operating companies. It has the ability to import unit diagrams from TRACS-RS and traincrew diagrams from TrainTRACS, Tracsis’ industry leading resource optimisation software. In addition, Marvel can be configured to import diagrams from all the industry standard software products via MS Word and MS Excel prints in a variety of formats, making it a highly flexible tool for any user with an interest in resource management, diagramming and the timetable.

A man uses software on two lcd monitorsMarvel’s extensive ruleset allows the specific rules of an operation, resource type and regionalised agreements to be represented, enabling the system to understand the specific details of the resource plan.

Coupled with the wider Tracsis resource planning toolset, Marvel supports more effective strategic resource planning, including the assessment of resource numbers, competency and the impact on short term planning.

Marvel’s next generation diagram structure supports parallelisation and multi-function roles, enabling future-thinking operators to accurately assess their resource plan and identify potential diagramming errors.

Assessment reports can be predefined and made available for batch reporting, enabling an operation to access the detail without requiring recurring user effort.

The Tracsis Marvel System Diagram

Marvel incorporates Diagram Resilience, a fast yet feature-rich analysis tool. Resilience applies a simulated or historical delay to diagram elements to highlight potential weak points within the resource plan. Embedding Marvel within the planning function allows planners to prioritise their efforts to improve the plan both within the long-and short-term processes.

A key feature of Marvel is in supporting both high-level and micro-simulation modelling within for instance, RailSys, allowing the resource plan to be incorporated within these models. The system also includes service association analysis and reporting tools.

Abstract image of train at station overlayed with geometric patterns and graphsCould Marvel help your business? Contact and ask to chat with one of our Rail Consultants.