The Planet Matters to Our Company and People

11 March 22

Tracsis plc, as part of their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) group objectives, have set one of this year’s annual policies that all group companies must move their energy suppliers to green energy where possible.

In response to this, SEP looked at not only what we could do to move to a green supplier, but whether we could move our electrical energy needs to renewable energy using Photovoltaic (PV) Cells and over the past 4 weeks we have installed 42 PV Solar panels on the roof of our head office in Boroughbridge.

These cells generate more than the requirement of the office, and this in turn offsets our usage at other office facilities and should also over generate allowing for increased demand by the introduction of electric vehicles into our fleet.

Over the coming months, there will be further efforts made to roll the company into a carbon footprint reduction plan. We will be looking at ways to incorporate electric and hybrid vehicles into our fleet, running lower energy usage IT Hardware and launching a go dark for the planet initiative; asking all laptop users to trial one week of dark themes on their screen devices to save CO2 emissions and many other environmental impact reduction schemes.

Workmen installing PV Solar panels.

Installing PV Solar panels.

Workmen installing PV Solar panels.

Renewable energy hardware.

Installing PV Solar panels.

PV Solar panels on the roof of a building.

Alex Brunel, Managing Director, says

“We are delighted to have installed PV Cells on our head office, it’s always been a passion of mine to reduce the harmful effects people have on our planet. Huge thanks to our facilities team for driving the initiative to completion, and, thanks to Duncan Renewables our locally sourced professional installers.

Green initiatives are at the forefront of my thoughts, and this will continue to be embedded in the future of the company strategy. We have previously made some great positive steps in doing our bit for the planet, but we can always do more.

SEP is adopting the mantra ‘Think globally, act locally’. Globally the planet is suffering from the modern worlds use of non-renewable products and energy, whilst everyone can’t be expected to save the planet on their own, if we each do small changes in our local environment, we can all collectively help heal the planet of the effects humans are having. Our use of PV cells is just one part of how SEP can act locally.

There are many ways everyone can make a difference, from running dark modes on laptops, tablets, and phones, to swapping a meal a week to a vegetarian, vegan, or reduced meat alternatives. Think about your own carbon footprint on a local level, do I need to make that journey in the car? Could I have a virtual meeting? Can I use products that generate zero waste? Can we use suppliers who are on carbon reduction schemes?

Let’s all take responsibility for the effects people have had and strive to heal the planet.”