SEP Traffic Management Teamwork - Silverstone

21 February 20

The British Grand Prix attracts a massive 18,000 vehicles on race day alone to Silverstone Circuit, with the vast majority of customers arriving in the two-hour period leading up to the start of the race.

The challenge
As this number of vehicles has steadily increased over recent years SEP implemented some major traffic management plans to aid the reduction in queue times for traffic coming into the Circuit. In order to facilitate this number of vehicles arriving and leaving in a safe manner, with minimal queues, the SEP traffic management team turn the A43 dual carriageway into a 4 lane, one-way system from both directions.

How do we do this?
During the build up to the event, the traffic management team removes sections of the central reservation barrier. On race day the team move in and set up coning details and signage plans to cross traffic onto the opposite carriageway.

Highway service vehicles on an empty dual carriageway

How do we do this safely?
We close the road to provide a sterile working area to install the cones and signs before opening the road to event traffic. SEP position a traffic management steward on every road that joins the A43 to ensure the traffic joins the traffic flow and doesn’t accidentally go the wrong way into oncoming traffic. At the junction for the Circuit, traffic is guided up the slip roads where they then flow into the car parks.

Vehicles negotiating traffic cones

The result
This, combined with temporary traffic lights, stop go systems and road closures on all other approaches means that the customer’s experience isn’t marred by congested roads and long queues. Find out more information on our traffic management services.