A Class 1 Yard in Mississippi to Upgrade to a Tracsis Yard Control System

26 March 15

A North American Class 1 railroad with a large switching yard located in Mississippi has chosen Tracsis to install a yard control system.

Control of yard switches is achieved through an office Domain Operations Controller (DOC®) workstation. This allows users to remotely route trains or control single switches from a remote location. Additionally, Tracsis will be installing an advanced control panel in the field which will act as an “outdoor workstation.” This control panel will run DOC in an outdoor weather-resistant enclosure allowing employees in the field to fully take advantage of the DOC System.

Tracsis will also upgrade their communication system from a wired network to a wireless network. This upgrade includes the installation of multiple rack-mounted servers - allowing the system to be fully redundant and completely ensure uninterrupted yard operation in the event of any hardware or software failure.

Tracsis DOC is a single, off-the-shelf system that seamlessly integrates control solutions. Designed to be completely extensible and expandable, DOC’s modular architecture allows railroads to add, remove or enhance modules with no negative impact on performance or stability.